Clean Water

Since we are lucky enough to live in a nation that supplies for us, we have the amazing honor to drink clean water. If we didn’t have water bottles and water filters though, how would the water be to drink? Honestly, not very good. If we were to drink any river water then you would most likely get sick and die. Why would that be? This is because a lot of tests/ studies show that sewage is what is mostly polluted our water supplies. This is because of a major sewage pipe break that was over 175 ft. Workers are trying to fix this problem, but the deed has already been done. The water is polluted and even though they are trying to clean it up and fix the pipe, it will take some time. Even then, not all the hidden toxins in things would get detected and picked up.

dirty water

Clean Water

Wild Dogs

Most people are aware that a lot of animals around the world are becoming extinct. Would you have ever guessed that wild dogs would be one of them though? Odds are that you would have never guessed that because dogs are such a common thing around the world. One of the most endangered species of dogs is the dhole. Dholes look like a mix between a German Shepard and a fox, now that may sound strange but its actually really cute as you can see in the picture below.

This large, social canid, also called the Asiatic Wild Dog, once ranged throughout the Indian subcontinent, north into Korea, China and eastern Russia, and south through Malaysia and Indonesia. There is only an estimated 2,500 out in the wild, so sadly there are definitely no way you can have one as a pet. Plus, they live off eating deer and I don’t think you want to go hunting every day and night to feed your animals.

The Dhole Conservation Project is working to gather more data on the species’ distribution and population status. Additional work is needed to understand the potential threat imposed by domestic or feral dogs as vectors for disease and pathogens.

Wild Dogs

Loss of Biodiversity

We all have heard the term biodiversity before, but have any of us ever knew what the term meant? What biodiversity actually the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. Surprisingly a lot of things affect it, especially human activity. Now, you may be thinking that we don’t do THAT much to affect the environment when in reality, we are the number one thing that is making biodiversity slowly go away. We tend to have the thought process that everything in the world is ours. Everything we do disrupts the nature around us. We build houses that take away animals protection, and bring in animals that do not belong that take out species. Because of us, we are slowly killing off many species such as birds. If we don’t change the way that we are acting soon then soon we will run out of a species. Then if we run out of a species, others will soon follow until there is no more. This is why we need to be more considerate of everything around us. The world doesn’t revolve around humans.

These are just some of the many species of birds now gone because of us.


For more information about biodiversity please click this link:

Loss of Biodiversity



Panels can be a very eye opening thing. I would classify this panel as one of those. What was discussed breaks all the common scenarios of what an environmentalist is. No, not all of them wear bucket hats and circle glasses. You can get a lot of different jobs in the art of sustainability and not look like that. I learned that there are so many ways that you can go about helping save the world that we live in. From starting a organization to managing a park to simply creatively writing. There are so many ways to make a difference. There was actually a philosopher there, and all the things he was saying really made you think about how you were acting. They also intertwined with your morals, and basically, showing you the truth. This is why he was my favorite out of the four, he really showed you different thought processes. Because of this panel, I have done a lot of thinking and have decided that I do need to change my ways. I don’t exactly know how I am going to yet if you want me to be honest. All I know is I am now determined to make a difference.


Natural Gas On Weak Demand

Could this be true? Is natural gas really weak on demand? The only legit answer that is kind of. Natural gas is always going to be in high demand, but right now the demand has lowered just a little bit.


You may be asking yourself now, how is this so? I don’t know if you have ever noticed but gas prices have lowered. If you ever examine as the years go by, you’ll see that in the winter that gas prices actually go down. This is because in the winter we need less natural gas because we don’t need air conditioning anymore. We just need wood for most of our heating systems. Because of this, and the gas prices already being low to begin with, for this winter may go back to their all time low price that happened three years ago!

Natural Gas On Weak Demand

Could Overpopulation be the reason for the world ending?


Can an over abundant amount of people on the earth cause it to end? The answer this question it is sadly a yes. But, this will not happen anytime soon. We have a couple hundred years before this is near. We still need to keep in mind that this is going to be a huge issue for future generations all because of us. We tend to be so self-centered that we don’t think about what we are doing and how it is affecting other people.

You may be asking now, “how can over population possibly bring the world to an end?” If you think about it there is a lot of reason on why. One issue that is extremely major is our use of resources. Each and everyone of us are guilty in thinks that everything lasts forever so we can take as much as we want. This is far from the truth though. The more we waste, the more we will not have for the future. We all need to learn to just take what we and live off of that. The overpopulation is affecting our food sources whether we choose to believe it or not. We, as a society, need to get more people to notice so we can take charge of the situation and solve it. Especially before it is too late.

Could Overpopulation be the reason for the world ending?

Greenwashing… In Cereal?

Do you love cereal? Because I know I do, but would you ever have suspected anything deceitful going on behind the scenes with it? Sadly, even in something as beautiful and pure as cereal there are some clever tricks going on that no one else really knows. This trickery is referred to as greenwashing. In the popular brand name cereal Kraft, they saw their rates slowly going down. They began to look into the reason for the decline in sales and saw that it was because their products were not all natural. They pondered on what they should do for awhile, until the idea finally came to them. They thought that it would be a good idea to lie and that they were witty enough that no one would ever find out. So, they continued to use genetically engineered corn. In the world of greenwashing, this is just straight deception. They did not over exaggerate nor use any brainy twist on words, they just flat out lied. This is a prime example of false promoting and Kraft got in enormous trouble for this deed.

Greenwashing… In Cereal?